Tuesday 25 January 2011

Tea Time Therapy

You know what makes everything better. what makes life seem simpler, lighter.
Tea time with grandparents.
No matter how much of a blah day you were having.
Sit for sometime with grandparents, mummy, adrak chai and rusks (very essential)
and you feel like you just soaked your feet into some lovely hot water.
you feel like slowly and very therapeutically you start to get your groove back.
It's a wonderfully lovely experience I must say.
And the reason it works is:
unconditional love on the sides of both parties.
silly-ness that makes you happy due to the conversations had.
and just not talking about your problems for sometime. (you sort of forget you had them :)


  1. I love this post, Karman. :)
    It makes me miss my nana...I'm thinking of Chandigarh afternoons in the verandah with the sun streaming down and nani-ki-chai in our hands. Ah, so lovely.

  2. That is such a beautiful post and so true:)
    Cup of tea and amazing people around is the best thing ever!!!

    Kisses and hugs, darling

    Ps: I am hosting a beautiful Garnish party supplies GIVEAWAY today :) ...Just in time for Valentine’s Day!

  3. I do not drink tea but I know what you mean! Spending quality time with grand parents with some food involved is a perfect way to unwind and feel loved and pampered! :) Here via Diana Blog!

  4. this is so perfect! i love chamomile and peppermint!


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