Sunday, 31 August 2014

Flowers behind her ear

As I grew, I was repeatedly told of all the different fates I could have. There was always a rangoli, some lovely vases, life in the tree. But the one that truly stuck with me was the holiday. It was a short life but it sounded so absolutely fantastic. When I go, I would like to go that way. The idea, to be tucked behind a human ear but not just any ear, an ear on holiday. "Find a human ear on holiday! That's the best way to go!" They're at their happiest and you get the best seat to some of the most gorgeous places in the world.
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"Flowers behind the ear is holiday uniform" her older sister had said those words to her since she was little. Holidays need not necessarily be when you go to a new place or take a vacation, holidays happen when you want them to. So, many an afternoon was spent finding flowers. But as both sisters soon realised, flowers don't bloom all year round, for which the older sister always had her trusty plastic roses. Wearing their favourite clothes and armed with some of their mother's never-used make-up and the trusty plastic roses tucked behind their ears, both girls fulfilled their mission of creating a cute but chaotic house. Whenever they actually went on a holiday and found flowers, that was an incredible treat. The happiness would wash over their faces. Everything in life felt like it was coming together. No matter how well they imagined themselves, nothing could ever beat the real deal. Nothing could take away from the actual experience of having a real flower tucked behind your ear and getting to see new places, a true vacation.

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Waiting for her older sister to catch up, the younger one waited under a tree, a frangipani tree, a flower fell on her head.

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I noticed her standing under my tree. Something in that moment felt like everything in life was coming together. The winds were changing. It was time to go.

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With the flower tucked happily behind her ear, she answered her older sister "just keep walking, I promise the view is great!"

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