Saturday, 20 November 2010

Dobby, The Free Elf.

I have loved getting to know you dear elf.
I have loved your spirit, your lightness
your strong love and loyalty.
I have loved and will miss knowing more about your love for socks and the different kind you have.
Your football shorts and sweaters.
I hope wherever you are now is a place with friends and freedom.

Goodbye Dobby.


  1. Can you believe that I've read the whole HP series 9 times and have cried each and every time I come to the part of Dobby's death!

    Rest in peace, Dobby - the selfless, loving elf!

    P.S.: your blog title is cool or what! =]

  2. I can completely believe that you've read the HP series 9 times. I love r-reading them :)
    I howled my guts out the first time I read the 7th book.

    And thank you! All credit to my dad though :)


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