Monday, 9 August 2010

3 days begin now

Hello fellows,
this week posting will be only till Wednesday for the first time I am spending a great weekend and it begins on Thursday night! My mum and I are flying to Bangalore to spend the weekend with my busy college sister.eeeep :)

Now this blog is about things I like on the net or how my day went and other things in that general area as to proper writing I dont really like typing that out. It comes to me in bursts and flashes when my mind slips to the left side of my brain. So I thought I should share a tiny bit I wrote in one of those dazes.I hope it makes sense.enjoy.

So in short you mind shall only run on the tracks heading to a perfect cliche.yes it shall.
Beat the boundaries.Twist the tunnels.
Nothing needs to be conquered.
Only experienced.So go on and it shall come.
In time after experience it shall come.
Only to you.
You, who has gone beyond, done all, seen all possibilites and picked the worst, weirdest and perhaps the wisest.
It will come.
It is coming.

p.s- I know the image has no relation to the post but I just loved the colours, very Dr.Seuss-y.


  1. That is a great image:) Love the colours:)..I bet you will have such a fantastic time with your mum and sister:)

    How cool:)


  2. I wish I was here when you guys come!


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