Monday, 29 November 2010

Resolution list #1

With New Year's nearly here, I thought I'll make a resolution list.. I normally don't but maybe this time I'll follow it. Fingers crossed.

1. I will use my entire concentration in not saying the word AWESOME. I say it a bit too much.

2. I will go for singing again.

3. I will make sure my mother gets a cooking range so she can bake and teach me.They house shall smell like cinnamon and other lovely goodness.

4. I will use my typewriter 3 times a week for random stuff.

5. I will finish reading the history encyclopaedias I have.

When I remember more I shall come back with the second list.

1 comment:

  1. 1 is sooooo true..u do say it a lot..but then I LOVE the chuck it...dnt stop sayin it
    2 and 3,...PLEASE:)
    4.AWW...that is so cute
    and 5 <3...i dont even have words:)


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