Wednesday, 27 October 2010

They grow up so fast :)

Photographer Zed Nelson captured a baby and his family over the course of 20 years. Each year on the same date with the same backdrop he clicked the family. See the entire time lapse here.
I love the way you see the boy age but the parents change very less.


  1. I really love projects like that! So true, the parents look very much the same..I posted way back about another family who did that project too:) Its a great memory to have, right?
    Really lovely find
    Kisses my dear

    Ps: I am hosting a headband GIVEAWAY today! Please, join in!

  2. wow - i really love these - they tell such a story, no?

    *kiss kiss*

    PS - spreading the word - come one come all and
    *Enter Camille Beckman Luxury Give-Away Here*


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